welcome to my world

this is my blog.. you can read my posts or ignore them, it's entirely up to you.. you can comment or tag, tell me anything you want.. or simply pass by.. i don't really care..

the emo

[~*call her*~]

| jacque | jackie | shobe | len | Lena | Rainie | blossom | sam | daisy |

[~*know her*~]

| 15 y/o | BSN 1-29 | MDC | sagittarius | purple-black | unpredictable | sweet tooth | couch potato | bookworm | sporty-volleyball |

my life

| volleyball | math | puzzles & trivia | movies | CHRIS CAYZER | blockmates! | sistars! | adventure trips | star(sea) gazing | swimming | food trips | love songs | belgian choco waffle | pink and green | dimples | guitarists | ghost hunting & horror stories |

my favorites


| go figure | cinderella story | paycheck | the punisher | V for vendetta | house of wax | serendipity | resident evil 1 & 2 | the fast and the furious | 2 fast 2 furious | mr & mrs. smith | freaky friday | princess diaries 1 & 2 | mean girls | series of unfortunate events | monsters inc. | like mike | helter skelter | you got served | monster-in-law | hide and seek | raise your voice | ella enchanted | troy | cast away | parent trap | 50 first dates | just like heaven | flight plan | click | fast and furious tokyo drift | shaggy dog |

[~*tv series*~]

| america's next top model | spongebob squarepants | just for gags | cheaters | little miracles | southpark | super inggo | crazy for you | suite life of zack and cody |


bhes paula's - Oct 1
cuz nica's - Oct 1
lexie's - Oct 8
azzedinne's - Oct 21
verna's - Oct 29
daddy al's - Nov 2
m'am agpasa's - Nov 2
BEST's - Nov 25
my auntie's - Dec 8
my uncle's - Dec 11
my dad's - Dec 16

into my ear

TOTAL STABS! stab her dead!
be stabbed

free counter


sisthurr CRAE
satsiri CHEL

ate caren
gloomy manson
the dumb ox



layout} !stinkitup
font} dafonts.com
image} !stinkitup
brushes} adobe photoshop 7.0
the emo doll} drawn on paint by !stinkitup


Monday, October 30, 2006

We went to school last friday to get the class cards. We sort of spent the whole day there, considering that MOA remains as the school's canteen. My grades were splendid!!! =) fine, i exaggerated. I didn't get their so-called "ceiling grades", but I can still keep my heads up. Well, thanks to my beloved general psychology average, I still felt dissatisfied. I did get shniny-shimmering unos but i wasn't successful to my goal. I was aiming for a dean's lister title, and I actually got it! ONLY IF they'd disregard the "no below 85 average per subject" criterion. My final rating in GP is 86, but my midterm grade pulled my average to 83. bummer! I could've even been a president's lister. At least I wouldn't be needing a waiver right?.. q;

After that we went to megamall. My dad said he read a poster saying that there's a trans show there. Sowe got there and saw a lot of peeps seemingly belonging to cults. They were having an oct. fest - the giant beer said it all. It turned out they are yet to have transport shows. Great! We just had dinner then...

We went to a holloween party in super bowl yesterday. Alex and Eljae joined the costume contest. Alex was supposed to be one of the winners but the manager chose her son to win. It was unfair! she was supposed to have the 500 bill prize.

Well, at least we enjoyed. We went to MOA afterwards, since Eljae hasn't been there yet. We ate dinner then went home. It was fun. Both kids really looked scary, didn't they?.. =)

I hate it. I'm having these stinking marks. They're so itchy, and it's really irritating!

I'm starting to like black again, literally. Ate said I look like a rocker. Come to think of it, I do look like one. Less the eye liner, the music, the bracelets.. just the black-tops-with-multiple-necklaces fashion thing. hehe. I just feel like it complements my hair. haha. whatever..

belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY VERNA!!.. miss yah bigat! ;p

the EMO died @ 3:26 PM!!
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